Nicole headliner

Hi there, I’m Nicole Rock


I am a registered nurse and certified health coach with an insatiable passion for preventative health and wellness! I absolutely love helping smart, determined people transform their mind, body and spirit into the happiest, healthiest version possible! I believe that maintaining good health is the best investment you could ever make and that preventing disease now is so much better than treating it later. I believe that with the right attitude, strong support and accountability there is nothing you can’t achieve!


Background, Inspiration & Professional Bio:


I grew up in the beautiful Pacific Northwest amongst the evergreen trees, rocky, misty shores of the Pacific Ocean and breathtaking hiking and running trails. This place has a look and feel duplicated by nowhere else, and a cultural mix of just enough weird, wacky and cool. Why doesn’t everyone live here, right?

I started out my healthcare career after joining the US Navy as a Hospital Corpsman. During the four wonderful, challenging and life-altering years serving this great country I discovered many new loves; my love of people, healthcare, fitness and overall wellbeing. I discovered that I had a particular passion for helping others reach their own wellness and life goals.

I had the opportunity to gain experience in many different areas of healthcare from working in the emergency room, intensive care unit and medical clinics, to being a care coordinator for service members with exceptional and special needs family members. I was a command fitness leader, fitness at sea instructor and what many might call a health fanatic!

But eventually, I decided it was time to move on and take on a new adventure. After I left the Navy, I immediately returned home to the awesome PNW; (of course), and followed my healthcare passion to nursing. However, it wasn’t long before I started getting frustrated by the enormous amount of chronic diseases, prescriptions and everyday life barriers the vast majority of my patients were suffering from. . .which could be prevented! Yes, prevention of the pain, suffering, monetary expense, physical and emotional toll, and overall life ruining effects of these diseases. I knew right away that my mission as a nurse could not be to wait until people were already ill to help them. I needed to reach people before the open heart surgery, diabetic amputation, cancer diagnosis or stroke. That is why I decided to become a Registered Nurse Health Coach.

Almost half of all Americans have one or more chronic, preventable diseases. The vast majority of these painful, expensive and life-limiting diseases can be treated and reversed with diet and exercise. I am committed to helping people realize, plan and achieve this. If an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, I am aiming to be 10 tons of prevention. I want to support and empower you to start living your life to the fullest and discover how good you can feel!

So, if you want to improve your current health status, lose weight, become more active or you’re just interested in the life-altering, awe-inspiring, soul-shaking power of a preventative, healthy and happy lifestyle, send me a consultation request and we can get started! I cannot wait to hear from you!