Let’s face it; more than a few people just flat out hate exercising.

I can’t tell you how many people I’ve worked with that would rather swallow a pail of nails than jump on a treadmill for a sweat session. And honestly, I get it. When you are a beginner to the exercise world, or you are already overweight, exercising can be uncomfortable, embarrassing and flat out shitty. I remember after I had my first daughter I was so excited to start running again. I gave up running about four months into my pregnancy for lower impact activities, and I would literally dream about hitting the trails.

The first day I was cleared by my doctor to tie up my shoes I was so ready to hit the road and feel the endorphins flowing. I made it about half of a torturous mile, lungs burning, and legs throbbing. I couldn’t run another step. I had to stop. I had to walk. I walked the rest of the way home with tears in my eyes. How did this happen? I am a runner. This was my first experience with being unable to exercise the way I wanted to and it gave me a glimpse into the world of those who think they hate exercise. When you are out of shape or overweight, or both, exercise is not fun.

It’s work, and it sucks, Period. But it doesn’t have to stay that way.

After my first horrible postpartum “run”, I had to do a serious re-evaluation of how I was going to reconnect with my exercise routine. I sat down, wrote down some goals, and came up with a plan of attack. Throughout this process there were three important things I had to continually keep in mind and I want to share them with you in the hope that they may help you break through your barriers when it comes to exercise and start to turn that hate into a love!

1.) Give yourself grace

This is a big one. Whether you are brand new to the world of exercise, you have health related limitations, or you are rekindling an old love affair with fitness, it’s important to remember that fitness does not happen overnight and that perfection is the enemy of progress.

You absolutely have to be kind to yourself while you work toward your goals here.

It may take months to reach your fitness or weight loss goals and that is just fine. For some, it may take years. The important thing to remember is that there will be times when you feel like quitting, or when you are discouraged by how difficult exercising can be and that’s okay.

There will be times when you feel that you are never going to make it to your goal; run that marathon, lose that weight or fit into those jeans, but I promise you, if you keep going, you will get there. In the mean time, you have to give yourself a little grace, take your time and focus on what you can do. It’s ok if you can only walk a few blocks at first. The important thing is that you get out there and start moving. So walk that block, high five yourself, and get back out there tomorrow!

2.) Start small, and add slowly

This goes right along with giving yourself grace. You do not, I repeat do not need to get discouraged about where you are in the beginning of your fitness journey. One of the things I love about the times I’ve been really out of shape in my life is the amount of progress I get to make throughout the process of getting back in. Small, slow progress adds up quickly when combined with consistency. Honestly, I would say consistency is the single most important aspect of any goal, but especially when it comes to exercise.

So start wherever you are, and each week add a small amount of distance, resistance or time. Overdoing it too quickly can lead to physical injury and mental burnout, which is not something you need. Starting slow allows your body time to adjust to the new physical demands, and allows your mind to feel comfortable with the challenge.

Exercise is just as mentally challenging as it is physical, but you can avoid getting discouraged by thinking about one small goal at a time. Before you know it, you’ll be fit and loving it, without the pain and pressure of overdoing it!

3.) Celebrate your successes; however small they may be

I firmly believe that every success is a cause for celebration! When you focus on growth rather than the ultimate goal, you increase your self-esteem and motivation. Good things take time, and every step you take toward becoming a fitter, healthier you is a step in the right direction.

You should expect some set-backs along the way, but with the right attitude and consistency, eventually you are going to reach your goals, so why not have fun and cheer yourself on all the way through the finish line? The key here is to remember that the route of celebration should be in line with your overall health and fitness goals. Eating a chocolate cake to celebrate your weight loss is counterproductive. So find some healthy, fun ways to reward yourself and make sure you do!

Hopefully, some or all of these tips will help you to overcome the initial pain and dread of adopting a new exercise routine. I know that it’s hard in the beginning, I’ve been there, but over time it not only gets easier, it gets fun! I promise.

So get out there and start sweating!

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Nicole is a registered nurse in the state of Washington, has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Washington State University and is a Certified Health Coach from the National Society of Health Coaches. She has over 10 years experience in the healthcare field with a wide variety of coaching and wellness expertise.