The world of diet and nutrition advice is vast, and for most people confusing, frustrating and sometimes down-right ridiculous (maple syrup diet anyone?). We are constantly being bombarded with magazine articles, infomercials, books, blogs and celebrity spokespeople promising super fast, easy and lasting results, yet for some reason we still find ourselves wanting to stuff down Oreos while watching episodes of Biggest Loser. Just me? Oh.
5 Tips to Eating Healthier Without Breaking the Bank
Among the most common reasons I hear for why people are hesitant to make healthy changes to their diet is that eating healthy is too expensive. While it is true that fresh, quality products are more expensive item for item than processed, low-quality, “fast” foods, most people would be surprised how many ways there are to save money and still eat a healthy, whole and clean diet.
Exercise Sucks, Until it Doesn’t
Let’s face it; more than a few people just flat out hate exercising.
I can’t tell you how many people I’ve worked with that would rather swallow a pail of nails than jump on a treadmill for a sweat session. And honestly, I get it.
The First Steps are the Hardest: 5 Tips to Help Anyone Stick to a Fitness Regime
It’s very easy to get discouraged when you finally wake up one morning and realize that you have gained a significant amount of weight, your health is circling the drain and you desperately need to make some lifestyle changes. For some people this is a very frightening and dreaded realization.