It’s very easy to get discouraged when you finally wake up one morning and realize that you have gained a significant amount of weight, your health is circling the drain and you desperately need to make some lifestyle changes. For some people this is a very frightening and dreaded realization. Many people actively avoid thinking about their health status in order to maintain the ignorance is bliss mentality, but the truth is, eventually we all have to face the music when it comes to our health and wellness choices, and there is never a better time than the present to make some small, daily changes that will add up to big health improvements over time. Adding daily exercise into your routine is one of these changes. And, I dare to say that the biggest obstacle and difficulty in any change is the simplest; getting started. So here are 5 tips to make putting that first foot forward a little easier!

1.) Take it slow at first

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just make the decision to exercise and eat right and viola! Instant results! Unfortunately, that’s not the way our bodies work. Improving your fitness takes time, patience and persistence. That is why it’s important to take your new fitness regime slow in the beginning. Your body needs time to adjust to your newfound motivation, and to the increased stress on your joints, muscles and bones. Especially if you have a significant amount of weight to lose, you need to remember to start each session with a 5 minute warm-up before fully diving into your workout. This allows your body time to get blood flowing and loosen up your joints and muscles. Light stretching can also be done prior to your workout, and should always be done afterward. Another consideration is that you may want to start with lower impact activities. Running may be the ultimate goal, but walking is a great starting point while you build cardiovascular strength and endurance. This applies to weight lifting, swimming, fitness videos or any other activity; there is always a less physically intense modifier that you can start with for a few weeks to allow your body time to adjust. Baby steps.

2.) Invest in the proper equipment

There is nothing worse than making the mental leap into a new fitness routine, and then being clothes-lined by a physical injury. It is not uncommon for people who have been off the exercise wagon for some time to injure themselves by not having the right equipment. By equipment I mean anything that you use to workout. The most commonly overlooked, critical pieces equipment are a good (professionally fitted) pair of sneakers, any needed joint braces (knee, elbow, ankle, lower back etc) and a heart rate monitor. There is no amount of determination that is going to get you through an injury like shin splints, plantar fasciitis, a back strain or a knee injury. It’s important to listen to our bodies and give them the right support to perform! A good pair of shoes may have a heavier price tag, but they will save you a ton of pain, frustration and rehab time.

3.) Shake it Off

This is one of my favorite T-Swift songs, and isn’t it obvious why? One of the most common reasons I hear from my clients why they don’t want to go outside to walk/run or go to the gym is that they are embarrassed. They feel like they will be judged by others because they are overweight. While I can fully understand feeling insecure at times, because don’t we all? –this is an area where you really do just have to shake it off. Haters gonna hate, and there is no room in your beautiful, determined mind for other people’s opinions. Not to mention, I don’t know about some people, but when I see someone who is literally working and sweating their butt off, regardless of their size, I am impressed, motivated and proud! There is just no room for negativity in your mind, so forget about it! Shake it off!  *Dance moves are optional

4.) Utilize the 5 minute Rule

This is one of my favorite tricks when I just down-right do NOT feel like exercising. It goes a little something like this: get dressed, tell yourself that you WILL workout for at least 5 minutes and at the end of the 5 minutes, if you still feel like quitting, you can. The beauty of this trick is that it gets you exercising, and starting is the hardest part. By the time the 5 minutes are over, your body is warmed up, you’ve already put the effort forth to get dressed, and you have successfully left the couch…so chances are, you will probably be able to convince yourself to just keep going and finish your full workout! I can’t tell you how many times I have had to utilize this strategy, and most often it works! But even if you just can’t get yourself to do more than 5 minutes, you are still establishing consistency in your routine and getting at least a little blood pumping!

5.) Don’t Give Yourself Permission to Give Up

This one is the real kicker. Making healthy lifestyle changes is hard, especially when it comes to exercising. But at some point, we all have to decide what is most important to us in our lives, and if we want to be around long enough to enjoy them. It may be your family, friends, grandkids, career, traveling, or whatever. It doesn’t matter how slow you start, how many times you fail or how long it takes to achieve your fitness goals. Simply starting and not giving up are the only things you need to see some serious health improvements over time. I absolutely love the saying if you are tired of starting over, stop giving up. Some days you will have crummy workouts, or you will utilize the 5 minute rule and decide to stop, but the key is to get up with next day and get right back at it!

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Nicole is a registered nurse in the state of Washington, has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Washington State University and is a Certified Health Coach from the National Society of Health Coaches. She has over 10 years experience in the healthcare field with a wide variety of coaching and wellness expertise.